Text Messages To Make Him Obsess Over You

text messages to make him obsess over you

Have you ever wondered how to grab that cutie’s attention and make him obsess over you? In today’s tech-driven world, texting can be a simple yet powerful way to spark romance. The key is learning what messages make guys go crazy.

We all text people back and forth every day. So, why not use that same access on your phone to amp up your love life? With some smarts and a few well-chosen words, you can catch the eye of any guy you like. Flirty and fun texts are your ticket to making him obsessed with hearing that phone ping.

This article will explore the secrets behind hot texts that hit the right notes and also show the perks of flirty messaging when you send tempting texts and real-life examples that work. From playful jokes to sweet compliments, these texts can help turn a crush into full-on infatuation. You’ll even learn to take things up a notch once you and your new guy are an item. 

So, say goodbye to lackluster love lives and boring conversations! In just a few taps, you can grab his attention, spark serious chemistry, and make that cutie eagerly await your following witty words. Keep reading to unlock the power of flirty texting. Let’s roll!

Do’s And Don’ts Of Flirty Texting

Do keep messages short, sweet, and positive

You don’t need to write a novel to get his attention – a few well-chosen words are all it takes. Text him something sincere but a little flirty to pique his interest.

Tell him you had fun when you last hung out or compliment something specific you like about him. This kind of text is sure to make him eager to text back.

Seductive texts don’t have to be overly sexual. You can subtly get him to think about you romantically with clever euphemisms.

For example, tell him you’re craving Italian for dinner and suggest meeting up. He’ll get the hint. The key is walking that fine line between sweet and spicy – give him a taste but keep him wanting more.

Don’t be overly aggressive or negative

While you do want to be flirty, don’t go overboard with aggressive or overtly sexual texts, especially right off the bat.

Not only could this kind of come-on make you seem desperate, but it could also scare a guy off if he’s not into it. The same goes for negativity – complaining or fishing for compliments too much can be a turn-off.

Keep things light and positive instead. Ask thoughtful questions to signal your interest in him as a person. Sprinkle in some playful banter and inside jokes once you get to know each other better.

This makes him feel special without being too overbearing. The goal is to make him associate you with feeling good – that will ultimately get him craving more time together.

When To Send Flirty Messages

Early on when establishing interest

When you first meet a guy you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to send flirty texts early on to show him that you’re interested. Texting is a casual, low-pressure way to show him you’re into him without being too overt.

The perfect text could be about an inside joke from your first meeting, a compliment on his looks or personality, or a suggestion to meet again soon. While making the first move is nerve-wracking, texts to make him want you are a great way to break the ice.

After meeting someone new

If you recently met someone who caught your eye, texting is the perfect way to make the first move and flirt after exchanging numbers. Even if you only talked briefly, a well-crafted text will make him want you even more.

Try bringing up something unique about him or a topic from your conversation. Ask thoughtful questions to keep the dialogue flowing, and subtly suggest meeting up.

Flirty texts show confidence and allow you to establish chemistry between dates. Don’t be afraid to make a guy think about you with the right text.

To re-establish contact with someone you know

When trying to reconnect with an old crush or former flames, the right texts can reignite that old spark. Casually bring up nostalgic memories you share or joke about past adventures.

Ask to meet up for coffee to catch up. Send memes or links that remind you of an inside joke. Texts filled with familiarity, humor, and affection are your best bet for making any man interested again.

Don’t be overly aggressive – test the waters. If he reciprocates positively, keep the charming texts flowing and suggest meeting in person soon.

3 Types Of Effective Flirty Text Messages

Positive remarks on personality or appearance

One of the best texts to send when texting a guy is an authentic compliment about his personality or appearance. A text that will make him smile might praise his sense of humor or remark on his winning smile.

But don’t just gloss over surface-level traits – make him think by pointing out something deeper, too, like his adventurous spirit or loyal personality. These texts will make any man feel good and capture his interest.

Here are 15 examples of flirty texts with positive remarks on personality or appearance:

  1. I love how your eyes light up when you talk about things you’re passionate about. Your excitement is contagious!
  2. You have such an infectious laugh. I smile every time I hear it!
  3. I really admire your courage to chase your dreams. Not everyone has that kind of guts.
  4. You looked so handsome when I saw you yesterday! That sweater really brought out your eyes.
  5. Seeing how gentle you are with animals makes my heart melt. You’re a big softie!
  6. The way you make people feel so comfortable and included is amazing. You have a real gift!
  7. I wish I was as quick-witted and charming as you! How do you always know just what to say?
  8. Your smile makes my day every time I see it. Don’t ever lose that spark!
  9. I love how you’re up for any adventure. You really know how to live life to the fullest!
  10. You’re so encouraging of others. I really respect how you build people up.
  11. I don’t know anyone more thoughtful than you. It’s so sweet!
  12. You have this incredible calming presence about you. I feel at ease whenever we hang out.
  13. Where were you hiding that hilarious sense of humor all my life? You crack me up!
  14. I wish I could bottle up your confidence – I could use some! Teach me your ways.
  15. That twinkle you get in your eyes when you talk passionately about something inspires me. You have so much heart.

Playful questions or compliments

Playful back-and-forth is central to flirty text messages to make a guy obsessed. Ask questions about his day or hobbies, then keep the conversation flowing with optimistic compliments or jokes.

Reference things you know he’s passionate about or drop subtle hints about hanging out together. Texts that display your attentiveness while mixing sincerity with lighthearted fun will surely get a guy to chase you.

Here are 15 examples of playful, flirty texts with questions or compliments:

  1. If you were a pizza topping, you’d definitely be extra cheese – because you’re soooo dreamy!
  2. On a scale of 1 to America’s Next Top Model, how photogenic would you say you are? Asking for a friend 😉
  3. If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would we be having our next date?
  4. How is it possible for someone to smell SO good whenever we hang out? What’s your secret?
  5. Would we make the finals of The Amazing Race if we teamed up? With your brains and my charm, I think we’d go all the way!
  6. Congrats on being the best part of my day today…and yesterday…and everyday before that!
  7. They say every princess needs her prince. Think you’re up for the job? My kingdom awaits!
  8. I’m no meteorologist, but every time you walk by there’s a 100% chance of smiling around here.
  9. You’re so sweet I bet candy companies wish they could bottle up your charm!
  10. Since when does Adonis have an Instagram? Oh wait, that’s just you!
  11. How are your arms not exhausted from looking so swole all the time?
  12. If I had a star for every time you crossed my mind, I’d be gazing at the galaxy right now 😉
  13. Out of all the guys here, I’d pick you first for my dodgeball team. Those reflexes!
  14. Damn boy, do you moonlight as a fire alarm? Because you’re smokin’!
  15. You must be the most eligible bachelor here because I just heard my heart say “I do!” when you walked in!

References to previous interactions/inside jokes

Once you share some rapport with a guy, referencing previous conversations or inside jokes is the perfect way to make him fall in love with your texting.

Bringing up that funny moment when you both met or that movie you talked about for hours will make him smile whenever his phone buzzes.

He’ll think of you all night, wondering when you’ll text those witty, nostalgic messages again. Tap into your chemistry by continually reminding him of good times you share – he won’t be able to resist.

Here are 15 examples of flirty texts referencing previous interactions or inside jokes:

  1. I just heard that new song “Banana Pancakes” and it made me think of our silly debate over breakfast foods last week! 🍌🥞
  2. I saw a guy on a unicycle in a dinosaur costume today. All I could think was, “Wow, still not as random as Alex!” 🦖
  3. Starbucks screwed up my name again today. Should I just change it to “Future Mrs. Thompson” so they get it right? 💍
  4. Knock knock! Who’s there? Amish. Amish who? Hahaha I’ll never get over your ability to turn anything into a dad joke!
  5. I just found those earrings you helped me pick out last month! Wearing them today reminded me of our super fun shopping adventure. 🛍️
  6. A centaur cut me off in traffic today. I yelled “Hey Hagrid, wanna grab a butterbeer sometime?” out the window before I realized it wasn’t you! 🧙‍♂️ 🍻
  7. This weather is gingerbread cookie-baking weather! When should I come over? I’ll bring the frosting for the gingerbread men 😉 🍪
  8. My new nickname for you is “Tiger.” Because when we met, at the zoo, you were an absolute animal in that cage! 🐯😜
  9. I’m never going to hear Christmas carols again without laughing, thanks to your wacky dance moves at the holiday party! 🕺 🎶
  10. I saw we’re expecting a big rainstorm tonight. Still want to recreate our soaked but amazing first kiss? 🌧😘
  11. Someone actually appreciated my sarcastic humor today! I almost asked if they were you in disguise. 🥸
  12. Saw a guy fishing by the pier today and yelled “Pass me a beer!” before I realized it wasn’t you. Got a few strange looks, though! 🎣🍻
  13. Every time I see a lizard now, all I can think of is how we first bonded over our irrational fear of them! 🦎😱
  14. Just watched a Star War for the first time everrr and all I could think was, “Wow Luke Skywalker has nothing on my Jedi stud.” 🧑‍🚀
  15. Heard someone order “one pumpkin spice latte for my Starbuck’s sweetheart!” and did a double take thinking it was my pet name! ☕️💘

Funny Texts To Make Him Laugh 

Jokes and light teasing

Laughter is the perfect way to a man’s heart, so learn to perfect that funny bone. Playful jokes and light teasing show you don’t take yourself too seriously and will make his day brighter. Here are 15 funny text examples:

  1. I had the strangest dream about you last night. Let’s just say things got wild.
  2. What would you do if I sent you a photo of me taking a bubble bath? Hypothetically, of course.
  3. If you could have any view from your bedroom window, what would it be? wink, wink, Asking for a friend.
  4. Can I borrow your glasses? I want to see if they make you look as good to me as I look to you.
  5. I know I said I missed you earlier… but now I do. Is it too late to come over?
  6. [On Monday morning] I don’t think it’s humanly possible to wake up before noon on days that don’t start with ‘S.’
  7. Roses are red; violets are blue. I get the blues when I don’t hear from you!
  8. I just saw someone who looks just like you! Then I realized I was looking in the mirror. Duh.
  9. I think there’s something wrong with my phone… your number’s not in it!
  10. send selfie with messy hair Panic. Stress. Send help. And coffee.
  11. Knock knock! Who’s there? I miss you!
  12. send a silly meme or GIF related to an inside joke
  13. I just found $20 in an old coat pocket! Drinks on me tonight? 😉
  14. What do spiders do on the computer? They check their websites! Lol
  15. I’m conducting very serious research on something I need your opinion on… boxers or briefs?

Absurd hypotheticals

Get creative and pose ridiculous hypothetical questions to reveal his personality while keeping the mood light. Eventually, he’ll get comfortable enough to play along. Here are 15 absurd yet funny texts:

  1. Would you rather have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers??
  2. Let’s say we woke up one morning, and the only clothing item left on earth was banana hammock speedos…
  3. Hypothetically, if you were a vegetable, what kind would you be?
  4. What’s your superpower and your superhero name? Mine is Buttercup, and I can talk to bread.
  5. In a perfect world, what would your ideal treehouse look like?
  6. If you could pick one food to rain down from the sky, what would you choose?
  7. Would you rather live underwater or on the moon?
  8. What’s the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? wink wink nudge nudge
  9. Let’s say you could swap bodies with any celebrity for a day…
  10. What’s your spirit animal? I think mine is a lazy house cat.
  11. If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
  12. What are your thoughts on unicorns? Very important question.
  13. Would you rather have rainbow sneezes or polka-dot hiccups?
  14. Teleportation or time travel? And where/when would you go first?
  15. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?

Inside references to conversations

Make him smile when he sees your name light up his phone by referring back to private jokes or past chats that show him you listen. He’ll appreciate that personalized touch.

  1. This pizza is good, but nothing beats that little hole-in-the-wall place we went to last month!
  2. Your song came up on my playlist today, and I couldn’t help but smile.
  3. I’m just a cute little (insert his favorite animal). Reminded me of how passionate you are about them!
  4. My friend was wearing a shirt just like yours yesterday. Of course I told him you wear it better.
  5. I just recommended that book you told me about to 3 friends! Thanks for the great suggestion.
  6. Who has Zwei thumbs and loves pretzels? This girl! lol hope I got the German right
  7. I just walked past that new restaurant we’ve been talking about trying! We definitely need to check it out together soon
  8. send a pic of a quirky novelty item referenced in an earlier conversation Found this at the store and had to snap a pic! Thought you’d appreciate 🙂
  9. Hey, I think I have a lead on those hard-to-find piano sonatas you mentioned before. Want me to send you the details?
  10. This weather somehow made me think about our conversation about your dream trip. Any new bucket list destinations you’d like to tackle together someday? 😉
  11. Omg, they’re playing our song! Send a snippet of a tune mentioned in a past chat. Dance party time?
  12. I just recommended that show you put me onto to like 5 friends. Thanks for the binge-worthy suggestion!
  13. reference inside joke from a previous date or hang-out session
  14. Hey! Was just thinking about that story you told me about _______. Still cracks me up lol
  15. compliment something he’s passionate about that you discussed before

Sweet Texts For An Existing Relationship

Compliments, support during tough times

When you’re already dating a man, heartfelt compliments and support when he’s struggling will make him miss you like crazy. Texts to help deepen romantic feelings might:

  1. Hey, I know you have that big presentation today. You got this! I believe in you!
  2. I was just thinking about how grateful I am to have such a caring/fun/brilliant BF.
  3. You looked extra handsome today so I had to let you know. This view’s pretty great!
  4. I ordered your favorite takeout to cheer you up. Be there in 10!
  5. Proud of you for challenging yourself going back to school. You amaze me!
  6. Counting down the minutes til I can give you a congratulatory hug later!
  7. I know you’ll kick butt on your interview today. Sending you good vibes!
  8. Missing that winning smile of yours today. These four walls are driving me crazy!
  9. You inspire me with your strength during this tough time. I’m here for whatever you need.
  10. Movie night just isn’t the same without my favorite cuddle buddy.
  11. Hey I snuck an encouraging note into your briefcase this morning. Hope it made you smile!
  12. Good luck with finals this week! Be expecting plenty of study snacks from me 😉
  13. I know you’ve had a lot on your plate. Let’s have a relaxing night in soon, just you & me.
  14. Wanted to send you positive vibes & let you know I think you’re amazing.
  15. Counting down the days until our next adventure together! This long distance thing stinks.

Affectionate remarks

Once there’s an established connection, send affectionate little compliments to make his heart melt every time he gets a text from you:

  1. Just wanted to send you a virtual bear hug today 🙂
  2. Thinking about our amazing night under the stars. You take me on the best dates!
  3. I’ll never get tired of hearing about your dreams. Love how passionate you are!
  4. You make me feel so beautiful…thank you for that gift!
  5. Ugh, my train is delayed, but at least I get to stalk your cute self on social media. Miss ya tons!
  6. Awww just opened your note from this morning – you never fail to make me smile! xoxo
  7. Counting down the hours until date night with my dream guy…so excited!😍
  8. “Accidentally” sent my roommate a text gushing about you…whoopsie!
  9. You + me + comfy couch = my perfect Saturday night!
  10. Sweet dreams to my favorite snuggle buddy! Talk soon 🙂
  11. Hey cutie! Thinking about that surprise home-cooked meal you made me last week. Can’t wait for the next one!
  12. Missing my MVP – hope practice goes well today! Score me some kisses later? 😘
  13. Just saw a cute pic of us from the aquarium. Be prepared for me to show allll my friends lol
  14. Thinking about our amazing night under the stars. You take me on the best dates! 💕
  15. I know I just saw you but I already can’t stop thinking about that kiss!

Plans for future dates/activities

Make him eager for your next in-person meet-up by texting sneak peeks of the fun times ahead:

  1. Hey, that new action movie we talked about seeing comes out next week! Want me to grab opening night tickets?
  2. Was thinking we could check out that new French bistro downtown this weekend. Sound good?
  3. Don’t make any plans for Saturday yet – that’s all I’ll say 😉
  4. How do massages and wine-tasting sound for date night tomorrow?
  5. Ugh this three-day weekend apart is torture! Can’t wait for our forest hike when you’re back.
  6. Thought we could head downtown early on your birthday, hit a museum, then have dinner at your fav spot!
  7. Weather looks gorgeous on Sunday. Wanna take the boat out and find a quiet cove? wink
  8. Come over Saturday night, and I’ll cook your fav meal. Then we can just relax and watch a movie!
  9. FYI I booked a suite at that swanky new hotel downtown on Friday. Be ready for a romantic, kid-free weekend! 😉
  10. Target just opened up that new location 5 minutes from me. Meet me there Sat morning and help me break it in? 😉
  11. Can’t wait for Fri night! Your cute butt + my dance moves + our favorite bar = perfection.
  12. Let’s recreate our first date night! I’ll bring the blanket, you grab snacks. 8pm at our spot this Fri?
  13. Didn’t win the lotto but want to do something fun this Sun. Let’s pack a picnic and find a nice view!
  14. Thinking Italian food under candlelight followed by stargazing on top of my Jeep this Saturday… you in?
  15. The botanical gardens are having an orchid show starting next weekend. Meet me there Sun morning?

Final Thoughts

Flirty yet sincere text messages can capture a man’s attention and stir up romantic intrigue. With the right words, you can spark chemistry with that cutie you just met or reignite the flame with long-term love.

This guide on how to make clever texts showed examples across the spectrum – playful jokes, thoughtful compliments, inside references, and tempting date invites. Now, you have plenty of scripts to pull from the next time you want to spend time crafting the perfect text message to send.

Remember, genuine confidence and interest are universally attractive qualities. So tweak these template texts to make any man ready to obsess over his phone, eagerly awaiting your witty or sweet words. You’ll have him hooked once you discover which sincere messages help express your unique personality.

So, believe in the power of candid text messages, and don’t let insecurity hold you back. Open up that messaging app today – your next great romance could be just a few thoughtful texts away!

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